When used properly, email encryption ensures that nobody unwanted (not the NSA, marketing men, creeps, etc.) can see the content of your emails.

An encrypted email received in Gmail. The scrambled text is nonsense to people snooping.

Hopefully, email encryption will become so widespread that even the likes of Google integrate easy tools and guides into freemail services. However, this may not happen, since their business depends on knowing your private email content.

Whatever happens, people who care will make a point of learning it, to ensure our data remains ours.

There are many email encryption tutorials online, but none covers everything I think should be. Here is my attempt at a good and simple guide.

How to encrypt in simple steps

This guide introduces the basic tools and concepts necessary to email encryption. Most of these steps involve one click in Thunderbird. I list them one-by-one to explain what’s going on.

You can use your current email provider (including Gmail, Hotmail and others) to send encrypted mail; this tutorial assumes that you will. The instructions here will work, with slight variations, on Mac, Windows and Linux.

The idea behind encryption

The main idea we need to know is that of encryption key pairs. Our software generates two sequences of numbers and letters. Together they make a mathematically related pair.

Sender encrypts message with the public key, the private key let's the recipient decrypt it.
© correderajorge.es

1) You keep the private key secret on your computer or other device.

2) You share the public key with everyone you would like to receive email from. This is often shared with the whole world on public key sites which anyone can access.

When someone sends you an email, their software encrypts the message with your public key. You can then decrypt it with your private key.

As long as your private key stays private, you are the only person who can decrypt messages encrypted with your public key, because only your private key can do it. Someone can therefore be sure that the message they are sending you can only be decrypted by you.

The Safebox analogy

To help understand how encryption keys work, think of the public key as a safebox. If I want Jo to send me a private message, I give her my safebox (my public key) which she puts her message into, closes the door (encrypts with) and sends off.

My private key is the only key which can unlock the box, so wherever the box ends up, the message stay private.

I want everyone to send me private emails, so I make sure my safeboxes are widely distributed.


We will use three programs including Mozilla Thunderbird, which automatically helps us get the other two.

Thunderbird is trusted software from the makers of Firefox. It includes a setup tool so getting started is easy. We will use it to connect to our usual email account.

Follow the steps in point 5 to stop Thunderbird downloading all your emails.


→1) Download, install and open Thunderbird.


→2) Click “Create a new account” > “Email


→3) Select the “use my existing email” option.


→4) In the Mail Account Setup, enter your email account details. Click “Continue” and then the IMAP/POP3 settings appear.


→5) Thunderbird attempts to fetch all your old mail by default. We will switch this off as it slows us down.

Go to “Manual config” > “Advanced config” > “Synchronization & Storage

Click on the setting “Synchronize the most recent” and change it to 1 day as highlighted by arrow 3 in the picture above.


We can now use Thunderbird to send ordinary email.


Setting up our encryption keys

Next, we set up our key pair.

My public key, as displayed on the MIT key server.


→1) Go to the menu bar option “Tools” and then “Add-ons”.


→2) Type “Enigmail” > and then “Install” and restart.


→3) The OpenPGP Wizard opens automatically. Click: “Yes, I would like the wizard to get me started


→4) Next select “No I will create per-recipient rules” which means you decide when and who to use your public keys with.


→5) On “Change a few default settings to make OpenPGP work” select “Yes


→6) For “New key pair or existing pair?”, select “New”.


→7) Enter a passphrase to make sure that only you are able to access the key to

Key Generation now begins automatically and can take a few minutes.


→8) You are then asked if you want to “Generate revocation certificate”. This certificate will let you publicly invalidate your keys if your private key is lost or stolen. Keep this safe and activate it with PGP Tools if that ever happens.


Ready for privacy

From now on, if you want to send an email to someone privately, you will need to get their public key (if they have one) when you get their email address. They should give it to you, or you can search with their email or name on a public key server, like http://pgp.mit.edu.

You then add the key to your contacts with your PGP Key Management tool so that Thunderbird has the necessary information to encrypt with.

Just make sure the Encrypt message option from the OpenPGP menu is selected with each email and your message should be secure.

nb. Email encryption is a key part of secure communication, but other steps may be required. For example, if an attacker has hacked your computer, your email may be intercepted on your machine before you encrypt your mail. Nevertheless, email encryption is an important tool and understanding the principles is very useful.

The marvellous world of encryption

If you have nobody to practice encryption with, find a penpal at cryptopals.org. The more of us do, the closer we’ll be to a world of real, online privacy.

There are other basic but important concepts and tools to learn about this process, like the fact that you can use it to sign messages so people can prove that you sent the message. For simplicity, this guide ends here.

Encryption is a fascinating subject, particularly as related innovations, like Tor and Bitcoin, introduce extraordinary possibilities.

12 April 2014