I set up cryptopals.org so people could find others to encrypt with. I had found there was a shortage of fellow practitioners which is one bottleneck to the wider uptake of secure email.

I have just made the code open source on Github and am seeking development contributors.

The basic idea is very simple but it needs to be implemented well and, as always, there are complications. It has been live for some months and has a number of active users, but could be much bigger and slicker.

It’s a Django site forking https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django with few deviations but there are plenty of possibilities for building in simple and more advanced features, including lots of fairly standard Django app integration, testing, public key search and validation.

People starting out with email encryption should be able to find a friend to encrypt with just as easily as they found the tutorial that taught them.

If you can help, join us at github »</a>

06 August 2014